Category Archives: Uncategorized

A Year in England



Side view of Lichfield Cathedral

First of all I’d like to apologise for my lack of posts since I arrived in September 2017. Part of it was due to lack of internet, some due to ill health due to anxiety and stress which I hadn’t anticipated from my family. It seems we’ve all changed alot over the last 28 years, not just got older.

Anyway. I’m going to do a catch up with images from where we’ve visited so far. Of course I’ve been to more places due to my job, and they’ve been mainly in the south of England, Kent, London, Susex, Berkshire & Dorset.

I am going to be updating posts which should have gone out nearly a year ago. You’ll see images of places we’ve visited, family, friends and old buildings.  Look out for churches, cathedrals, castles, animals…we can’t forget them, and you may also see Oxford Bear who generally travels with me when I’m away from my family.

Thank you for your reading this blog and I hope you enjoy the posts which will start with Lichfield, when I was visiting my best friend Tina.